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Day 100 - 100 Years of CEC

We have made it to the 100th anniversary of the Council for Exceptional Children! As the organization has grown over the past 100 years,...

Day 99 - project20/20

In the Fall of 2020 the Council for Exceptional Children launched project20/20. This outcomes-based project to support diversity, equity,...

Day 98 - O'Connor v. Donaldson

The Supreme Court case O'Connor v. Donaldson, was argued on January 15, 1975. In this landmark case, the court held that people with...

Day 96 - Every Student Succeeds Act

The Every Student Succeeds Act was signed into law in 2015. The act reauthorized and replaced No Child Left Behind - the 2002...

Day 95 - CECommunity is launched

The CECommunity was launched in 2013. This online forum provides a space for CEC members to interact online, allowing for collaboration...

Day 92 - Rosa's Law

Public Law 111-256 was approved on October 5, 2010. The act changed language in Federal Law from “mental retardation” to “intellectual...

Day 91 - No Child Left Behind

Public Law 107-110, or “No Child Left Behind”, was signed into law on this day, January 8th, in 2002. The law was an update to the...

Day 85 - P.L. 108-446

IDEA was reauthorized again in 2004 under Public Law 108-446. CEC provided testimony and other information to guide congress in the...

Day 84 - Publications of 2002 and 2003

During 2002 and 2003 a variety of materials were published and distributed by CEC ASPIIRE and ILIAD Partnership Programs. These materials...

Day 82 - 1997 IDEA Amendments

Public Law 105-17 reauthorized IDEA with amendments. Part of the amendments required that parents be given the opportunity and procedures...

"It is the boast of Americans that every child has opportunity of school education but it is true that many children- through no fault of their own- get nothing from education. Not education but the right education should be our boast."

- Elizabeth Farrell 

Produced on behalf of NJCEC by Allie Cheff

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