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Day 60 - Group Home for Adults

The New Jersey Institute for Disabilities opened their first group home for adults in 1981. Since then, the NJID’s network of group homes...

Day 57 - Wyatt v. Stickney

The 1971 court case Wyatt v. Stickney ruled that people who are involuntarily committed to state institutions because of mental illness...

Day 54 - Foundation of TASH

The American Association for the Education of the Severely and Profoundly Handicapped was established in 1975. Today, the organization is...

Day 43 - Section 504

Section 504 of the the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination of individuals based on disabilities. The act ensured that...

"It is the boast of Americans that every child has opportunity of school education but it is true that many children- through no fault of their own- get nothing from education. Not education but the right education should be our boast."

- Elizabeth Farrell 

Produced on behalf of NJCEC by Allie Cheff

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