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Day 20 - Brooklyn Training School

Elizabeth Farrell proposed the establishment of a three month graduate course at the Brooklyn Training School for teachers of “ungraded”...

Day 15 - PL 88-156

On this date - October 24th - in 1963 Public Law 88-156 was passed to assist in the prevention of “mental retardation.” The act expanded...

Day 14 - Wyatt v. Stickney

Today, October 23rd, marks the day that the Wyatt v. Stickney lawsuit was filed in the year 1970. This case ruled that people who are...

Day 5 - Samuel Tuke

Today, October 14th, is the 164th anniversary of the death of Samuel Tuke, an English philanthropist who followed in his family’s...

"It is the boast of Americans that every child has opportunity of school education but it is true that many children- through no fault of their own- get nothing from education. Not education but the right education should be our boast."

- Elizabeth Farrell 

Produced on behalf of NJCEC by Allie Cheff

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