Day 31 - P.L. 87-276 Teachers of the Deaf Act
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Day 30 - 1958 PL 85 - 926
Day 29 - NJ Bills of 1954
Day 28 - Establishment of the ARC
Day 27 - Joseph P. Kennedy Foundation
Day 26 - Cornelius E. van Koetsveld
Day 25 - NJ Cerebral Palsy League
Day 24 - Cuyahoga County Ohio Council for the Retarded Children
Day 22 - Ungraded Magazine
Day 20 - Brooklyn Training School
Day 19 - Edward Seguin
Day 18 - P.L. 1911 c. 234 - New Jersey State
Day 16 - The Henry Street School Settlement
Day 15 - PL 88-156
Day 14 - Wyatt v. Stickney
Day 13 - Horace Mann and the Common School
Day 12 - Cotting School
Day 11 - Anne Sullivan
Day 10 - John Langdon Down
Day 9 - Gallaudet University
"It is the boast of Americans that every child has opportunity of school education but it is true that many children- through no fault of their own- get nothing from education. Not education but the right education should be our boast."
- Elizabeth Farrell