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Day 40 - CEC Professional Standards

The Council for Exceptional Children first published the Professional Standards for Personnel in Education of Exceptional Children in...

Day 39 - CEC State Chapters

In 1947 the Council for Exceptional Students authorized the establishment of state chapters of the organization. Today, CEC has a unit in...

Day 34 - 1965 Medicaid Amendments

Under Title XIX of the the social security act the Medicaid program was enacted to provide health care services to several groups of...

Day 30 - 1958 PL 85 - 926

Public Law 85-926 was passed at the federal level in 1958. This public law encouraged an increase in teachers of students with...

Day 29 - NJ Bills of 1954

In 1954 three bills were passed in the state of New Jersey regarding Special Education. These laws described three categories in which...

Day 28 - Establishment of the ARC

In 1950 parent groups came together to establish The ARC. Originally, the organization was named the National Association of Parents and...

Day 26 - Cornelius E. van Koetsveld

Today, November 4th, is the anniversary of the death of Cornelius E. van Koetsveld. Van Koetsveld established the first private...

Day 25 - NJ Cerebral Palsy League

Parents and other concerned people began to form groups during the 1940s to address the issue of inequality in education for students...

Day 22 - Ungraded Magazine

The Ungraded Magazine was first published in May of 1915. The magazine was a professional periodical that published information and...

"It is the boast of Americans that every child has opportunity of school education but it is true that many children- through no fault of their own- get nothing from education. Not education but the right education should be our boast."

- Elizabeth Farrell 

Produced on behalf of NJCEC by Allie Cheff

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